Monday, February 8, 2010

Blog is a Funny Word.

A place to be. To speak. To reach. A cradle for perspective. I feel initially strange about keeping a blog on behalf of the band...(ego checking, I suppose, a natural habit)... but for those of you who have investment in the music, perhaps this will be a welcome novelty. I thank you in advance for your interest, and will squeak things out as they come. Enough humility now. I'll own this role, dammit!

Allow me to formally introduce myself and explain why you might care. My name is Ash Scheiding. I'm 26 years old. I reside in Santa Rosa, California. Like many in the world, I am absolutely in love with music. It possesses me, and in turn, I have dedicated the truest parts of myself to it. It has always been there - I came from a family of musicians (most of the happiest memories with my family revolve around music). Through a semi-tumultuous life (as relative as that can be), song and creativity held me safe. It has been my means of communication and understanding, and has remained the ultimate symbol in rights of passage, preserved perfection, and coping in my life.

Besides living to listen, I have spent the greater part of my time (a decade with true intent) as a musician. And before that, I daydreamed and schemed about playing and performing. Always a song in my head -another's - or my own.

Speeding up, I have spent my adult life thus-far as a songwriter and participant in various projects - mostly rock bands. I've had a hand in the release (with humble results) several records, some tours, and have invested lots of time, energy, and money in making music.

Kindness and Lies is the latest of these endeavors - and honestly (and with the utmost respect for all of the past bands I've played with) - it is the most excited and confident I have ever felt about a project.
Why? Well, years of loyal friends and supporters definitely helps. Experience under the belt helps. As we grow, our expectations and responsibilities fall more into a realistic and efficient perspective. And, I am fortunate and grateful beyond belief to be working with a handful of my best friends who are dedicated to smart songs and hard work.

Good songs for this project, to me, are simple enough to make a concise point and dynamic enough to convey genuine emotion. I seek lyrics that honor the romance and the struggle of being human. I am a sucker for a badass pop hook and fearless harmony. As a songwriter, in the past I have tried at points to be harder, fancier, and more abstract - but now - I'm letting the simplicity flow and not over-intellectualizing what comes naturally from my gut. Salty or sweet, I'm going to let it taste how it tastes.

Some goals for this year: Dedicate more time and heart to my band. Experience more of other's music. Live more life. I'm looking forward to sharing.
(I will aim to feature the other members of Kindness and Lies as time goes on...)

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